Maarten Moens
Founder STIMULUS & Principal Investigator
Academic staff
As a neurosurgeon and focusing on functional neurosurgery, I founded STIMULUS, not only as a sole research group, but also as a group of experts in their field with a common focus: the "whole" patient.
In 2013, I promoted (PhD) with my thesis titled: “Functional neuroimaging in patiënts with failed back surgery syndrome treated with spinal cord stimulation: The investigation of supraspinal effects of spinal cord stimulation”. After achieving my PhD, my main interest evoluted towards treating chronic pain patients via neuromodulation.
Now as principal investigator in several projects, my role changed into supervising these research projects, teaching, managing and public speaking.
department of Neurosurgery, route 490
UZ Brussel
Laarbeeklaan 101
1090 Brussels